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Latest Lessons on: Syntax


Syntax: Modifying Count and Mass Nouns

Were there fewer (or less) patent infringement suits filed this month than the previous month? Count Nouns: What Are They: Count nouns refer to individual, countable, or quantifiable items. This includes both concrete nouns (dogs, children, books) and abstract nouns (ideas, moments, thoughts). They can be singular or plural. Modifiers:

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Syntax: Pronoun-Subject-Verb Agreement

Are either of the 2024 candidates acceptable to you? Or is neither candidate acceptable to you? Distributive Determiners that Always Require a Singular Verb: Either/Neither: Refers to one (or not one) out of two items: “Neither of your claims is sufficient to convey standing.” Exception—Neither/Nor OR Either/Or Constructions: Agree the

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Syntax: Article Agreement with Initialisms & Acronyms

Was there a FBI raid last week? Or is that an FBI raid? Acronym: An acronym is an abbreviation in which the resulting term is pronounced as a single word. Examples: NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration); OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries); PIN (personal identification number). Rule: Since an

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Syntax: Properly Placing “However”

Should you ever begin a sentence with however? Or should you only use however in a mid-sentence construction? General Use of However: However is a conjunctive adverb that typically signals an upcoming contrast or contradiction: “Defendant disagreed with the prosecutor’s framing of his actions. The evidence, however, speaks for itself.”

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Syntax: Properly Placing “Only”

Does plaintiff’s claim only get her so far? Or does her claim get only so far? Changing Sentence Meaning by Changing the Placement of “Only”: Only Before the Verb: The defendant only admitted to the theft. Interpretation: The defendant did nothing except admit to a theft. Only After the Verb:

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