Unlock the Secrets to Perfect Briefs

Beautiful Briefs: A Cheat Sheet for the Circuit Courts

Ensure your legal briefs meet the highest standards with our comprehensive guide. Beautiful Briefs: A Cheat Sheet for the Circuit Courts, written by legal writing expert Ross Guberman, offers detailed instructions and best practices for crafting impeccable briefs that impress judges and win cases.

What you’ll learn: 

  • Detailed formatting requirements for federal appellate courts, including paper size, printing standards, and binding options.
  • Typeface and spacing guidelines to ensure clarity and readability.
  • Word and page limits for principal and reply briefs to help you stay within the court’s rules.
  • Specific requirements for footnotes, headings, and cover contents.
  • Best practices for presenting your arguments effectively and persuasively.
Fill out this form to download a copy of this cheat sheet and take the first step toward crafting impeccable legal documents.