Your ultimate legal writing resource

Associate Guide

Ross Guberman, the acclaimed legal writing expert, brings you the ultimate Associate Guide. Packed with models, tips, and real-world examples, this toolkit is designed to refine your legal writing skills and enhance your performance.

Why download this eBook?

  • Model Brief: Learn to craft compelling briefs that address judges’ concerns effectively.
  • Revised Sections: Discover improved versions of case sections, demonstrating how to sharpen your arguments and clarify your points.
  • Checklists and Templates: Use practical tools for writing memos, emails, and client communications, ensuring your work is concise, clear, and impactful.
  • Common Pitfalls: Avoid common legal writing mistakes with tips on grammar, tone, and structure.
  • Time-Saving Tips: Streamline your writing process with proven techniques for organizing and presenting your arguments.
Fill out this form to get your free copy of the Associate Guide – the ultimate resource for aspiring legal professionals.