Kickstart Internal Initiatives with ChatGPT

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With the ever-changing legal landscape before us, law firms face an unprecedented demand for innovation and efficiency. But how can you get the internal buy-in necessary for these programs?

ChatGPT can help get you started!

Check out this short exercise from Ross Guberman and try it out for yourself. 

Distilling Provocative Content Into an Action Plan

As anyone working in law firms knows, it’s tough to capitalize on great ideas before you have to put out the next fire.

ChatGPT can make it much easier to succeed. Example: Ross took a recent NALP article on business-development coaching and used a prompt optimizer to ask this question:


You are a director of professional development at a large law firm. After reading the article provided, identify the most likely internal objections to business development coaching initiatives and provide three effective responses to each of those objections. Your response should clearly outline the objections and provide specific and detailed explanations for the best responses to address those objections. Please note that your responses should be based on the content of the article and should demonstrate a deep understanding of the potential objections and effective strategies to overcome them. Your responses should be well-reasoned, persuasive, and supported by relevant information and examples from the article. Ensure that your response is structured and organized, clearly presenting each objection and its corresponding response in a logical manner.

After a few seconds, here are the three objections it identified:


Based on the analysis of the document, I’ve identified the following potential internal objections to business development coaching activities.

  1. Cost of Coaching : The high cost associated with professional coaching can be an obstacle for many firms. Training programs, especially personalized ones like coaching, require significant investment, and return on investment (ROI) may not be immediately clear.
  2. Time Commitment : Lawyers and other professionals are often extremely busy, and finding time to participate in coaching sessions can be challenging. This time constraint can be a significant barrier to implementation of a coaching program.
  3. Skepticism about Effectiveness : Some individuals may doubt the effectiveness of coaching, questioning its real-world applicability and impact on business development. They may perceive it as a theoretical exercise with little practical value.

Now what? Law firms are tough, so he asked it how to overcome those objections:

1. Cost of Coaching:

  • ROI Analysis: Demonstrate the potential ROI coaching through case studies and industry research. Highlight how coaching can enhance business development skills, lead to more client acquisitions, and increase revenue in the long term.
  • Phased Approach: Propose a phased approach to coaching, starting with a small group of individuals. This can reduce the initial cost and allow for a trial period to demonstrate the benefits before a full roll-out.

2. Time Commitment:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Offer flexible scheduling options for coaching sessions, such as early morning, late evening, or weekends slots. This can accommodate busy schedules and show respect for participants’ time.
  • Integration with Daily Work:  Emphasize that coaching can be integrated with daily work tasks. For example, real client scenarios can be used in coaching sessions, making them more practical and immediately useful.

3. Skepticism about Effectiveness:

  •  Evidence-Based Approach: Use evidence from studies and testimonials to show the effectiveness of coaching . Share success stories and data on how coaching has improved business development outcomes in similar firms.
  • Trial Sessions: Offer trial sessions to skeptics so they can experience the benefits of coaching firsthand. This can help break down preconceived notions and create advocates for the initiative within the organization.

Finally, since time is short, he asked which three of those six suggestions give the best bang-per-buck:

While all of the suggestions have merit, the effectiveness of each will largely depend on the specific context of the organization. However, from a general perspective, the strategies that directly address the perceived value and immediate benefit of the coaching initiatives are often the most persuasive. Therefore, the following suggestions might have the greatest impact in terms of encouraging buy-in.

  1. ROI Analysis (Cost of Coaching): Showing the potential return on investment can be a powerful motivator. This approach directly addresses the concern about cost by demonstrating that the investment can lead to significant benefits, including increased revenue and client acquisition. Providing tangible evidence through case studies and industry research can give stakeholders a clearer picture of the potential value of the initiative.
  2. Integration with Daily Work (Time Commitment): This strategy addresses the time constraint issue by showing that the coaching can be a part  of their daily work, rather than an additional task. By using real client scenarios in the coaching sessions, the training becomes immediately applicable and useful. This not only maximizes the value of the time spent in coaching but also makes the training more relevant and interesting for the participants.
  3. Evidence-Based Approach (Skepticism about Effectiveness): Presenting evidence from studies and testimonials can effectively counter skepticism. By showing concrete data and success stories, this approach reinforces the credibility and potential effectiveness of the coaching program. Skeptics are more likely to be convinced by hard facts and success stories from similar firms.

Perfect? No. But better than hoping to find the time to read a great article, let alone act on it? Let’s ask ChatGPT to answer that one!

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